[☰][2018-04-26]favorites:Useful twitter handles(part 1)

Here are most of the handles that I've followed that have provided me with consistent information as of recent:


Cool math tips and tricks. They also review academic papers from time to time.


Have been following these guys for quite a while. Some of the bash hacks I've collected are from there. Very useful for learning about unix utilities and/or using them in peculiar ways.


Quotes about coding from influential engineers. Consistently good and sometimes great.


Getting a notification for new slashdot articles is really nice. I usually wait a while until comments gather before clicking articles. This also gives them time to correct mistakes etc.


Most of it is bullshit. Some of it is taunts. And there are some real gems. Article quality has a lot of volatility, but I like it anyways.


Again, followed this one for quite a while. New versions of distros or new distros entirely.


If you don't read this every day I'm not sure what you do with your life. Puts high quality firmware on your brain. Listen, absorb and question.
